Caring for Men’s Cords

Taking the time to follow the care instructions will ensure a pair of men’s cords mrcorddkb_2will last season after season. The great thing about corduroy is that it typically holds up very well to the stresses and strains of daily wear, washing and drying. They can usually be placed in the washing machine or dry-cleaned according to the instructions on the label.

Washing Men’s Cords in the Washing Machine

Washing men’s cords in the washing machine is quick, easy and very convenient. Before placing them in the machine, remember to turn the cords inside out. By doing so, you will protect the more delicate textured side of the fabric, keeping the wales looking as good as they should and generally prolonging the life of the garment.

It is a good idea to separate cords from other types of material when washing in a machine. This is because corduroy can be prone to picking up lint. A gentle cycle should be used too – anything more could damage the trousers.

Once washed, the best option is to carefully hang the trousers on a line to air-dry naturally. If this is not possible, men’s cords can sometimes be dried in a tumble dryer on a very low setting. However, be sure to check the care instructions first, as tumble drying may not be appropriate for every pair. Once the cycle has finished, the trousers should be removed from the dryer immediately. Shake the material out to release wrinkles.

Hand-Washing Men’s Cords

Hand-washing is a very safe option for washing corduroy. The garment should first be soaked in warm water. The material can then be gently rubbed together. Care should be taken not to scrub the material too harshly. Once clean, the trousers should again be hung out to air-dry or placed in a tumble dryer according to the manufacturers instructions. Never attempt to remove excess water by wringing cords, as this could twist and ruin the wales.

When ironing a pair of cords, always place a clean sheet in between the iron and the fabric to protect it.

When you see a wale number, it’s telling you how many ribs per inch. The higher the wale number the finer the wales will be.

Men’s cords are a great staple for any wardrobe. A good comfortable option for weekends, they can be dressed up or down and will last for many seasons with the right care. Take a look at our selection of men’s cords online today.


The post Caring for Men’s Cords appeared first on Joseph Turner News.

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